
Verdandi was the middle sister of the Norn (Scandinavian fates) She represents the present, that moment where you take who you were yesterday and decide who you will be tomorrow.

Verðandi is literally the present participle of the Old Norse verb "verða", "to become", and is commonly translated as "in the making" or "that which is happening/becoming”. 

There are stories about women traveling from village to village as a “Verdandi”. She would listen to people. She would talk to them to discover how they wish their lives could be.  She would then counsel them about their life choices and “magically” make the future they wanted possible.

Often, we get in the way of our own dreams.  What is stopping us from achieving what we seek? 

“What you do not actively work to change, You 


to keep the same.”

The Verdandi jewelry is meant to be worn as a reminder of your inner strength and your resolve to become what you choose. 

Illustration: The Norns: Urd, Verdandi and Skuld, 1930, by Charles E. Brock. Illustrations and Color Plates for The Heroes of Asgard by Annie and Eliza Keary

Rocking Glass Studio

Hello, I am Misty. I am the artist and designer of Rocking Glass Studio. I create Sterling Silver jewelry, Copper jewelry (from roofing scraps), and brass jewelry. I believe that what we wear tells the world our stories. That story can be simple about color or materials. It can be elaborately tied to a memory or a proclamation. For example, the Verdandi line is all about reviewing the past to choose your future.

I am also a Mom to 3 amazing adults. I am a wife to a fantastic human. I love adventures and new surroundings. I especially love being able to get up close with nature by hiking, snowshoeing or falling in the river while fishing (I swim more than I fish).